Is the definition of child labor labour.An regular and continuous employment of children estimated 158 million children aged 5-14 engaged in child labor.
one of six children in the world. Millions of children who work in situations or hazardous conditions, such as working in mines, chemicals and pesticides in agricultural work or dangerous machinery.
They are everywhere, but invisible, toiling as domestic servants at home and work behind the walls of workshops, hidden in the factory. This is the approach that should be exploited, many international organizations, and in many countries is illegal.
Date of child labor is the most different levels, but changes in working conditions, and the industrial revolution in the public debate, with the advent of education for all, and with the workers and the emergence of the concept of child rights was God gave human intelligence and common sense that the signs of the universe after the completion of the Gospel. This is why they said it and finding the hidden structure, in the lives of remarkable progress in many sectors of the reason.
Children are the flowers of Heaven. They are God's creation more than the most beautiful and pure. Are the heart and innocent appearance. There is no doubt that they are beautiful in this world. Early in the morning, when the children were on the different types of clothing, and began to go to school to learn, we feel that it is through special kinds of innocent joy. General Assembly of the United Nations November 20, 1989, the Assembly adopted the Convention. Extend the scope of the WHO, 18. Pakistan ratified in 1990 and so on. "Rights of the Child," read the article
"States Parties recognize the right of the child to be protected from economic exploitation and from performing any of the potential to be hazardous or to interfere with the child's education, or child's health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or hazardous work of social development." The legislation is known as the Bill Harkin Senator Tom Harkin introduced in 1992.
Does not pass the bill, but in the U.S. Congress each year. It is also known as the "deterrence of child labor laws." The law defines the purpose of the motivation is to eliminate the foreign products in children under the age of 15 years to provide the role of the market Unite4d of the state, and support activities and programs, to expand primary education, rehabilitation and skills training, alternative and improved to a minor child birth registration. In northern India, the exploitation of child labor is an accepted practice, and the local population as the need to alleviate poverty.
Child labor in the carpet industry to pay extremely low wages, and unsanitary conditions, so that working long hours. Children working in these units are mainly migrant workers from northern India, and diversion of their families here earn some money, and send it to them. Their families rely on their income, forcing them to carry the working conditions in factories, heavy carpets. 2,00,000 in the matchbox industry, labor experts say, and 35% of children under the age of 14 years. Every day they work more than twelve hours, about 4 am to work every day. Inadequate schools, lack of school, even at the expense of the school leaves very little, and the others, but work in some children.
The position of the parents also contributed to child labor, and some parents feel that children should develop useful skills in the labor market, and the use of formal education, but it is not. Has been its independence, and India, which works against child labor. This has led to environmental degradation and the lack of channels to work in rural areas, people also migrate to the cities. Arrived in the crowded cities of the disintegration of the family unit, and the need for a better life through unemployment, alcoholism, or disappointment unemployment or disillusionment of better life etc.