Sunday, November 30, 2008



1 Banten Kab. Serang
2 Banten Kab. Lebak
3 Banten Kota Tangerang
4 Bengkulu Kab. Bengkulu Utara
5 Bengkulu Kab. Kepahiang
6 DIY Kab. Bantul
7 DIY Kab. Kulon Progo
8 DKI Kota Jaksel Dikdas
9 DKI Kota Jakut Dikmenti
10 DKI Kota Jaktim Dikdas
11 Jawa Tengah Kab. Sukoharjo
12 Jawa Tengah Kab. Wonogiri
13 Jawa Timur Kab. Nganjuk
14 Jawa Timur Kab. Tulung Agung
15 Jawa Timur Kab. Tuban
16 Jawa Timur Kab. Sidoarjo
17 Jawa Timur Kab. Lamongan
18 Jawa Timur Kota Malang
19 Kalimantan Barat Kab. Ketapang
20 Kalimantan Timur Kota Samarinda
21 Kalimantan Timur Kab. Bulungan
22 Lampung Kab. Lampung Barat
23 Maluku Kab. Seram Bagian Barat
24 NAD Kab. Aceh Tenggara
25 NTB Kota Mataram
26 Papua Kab. Paniai
27 Sulawesi Barat Kab. Mamuju
28 Sulawesi Selatan Kab. Luwu
29 Sulawesi Selatan Kab. Pinrang
30 Sulawesi Selatan Kab. Selayar
31 Sulawesi Selatan Kab. Tana Toraja
32 Sulawesi Selatan Kota Makasar
33 Sulawesi Selatan Kab. Maros
34 Sulawesi Tengah kab. Toli-toli
35 Sulawesi Tengah Kota Palu
36 Sulawesi Tengah Kab. Donggala
37 Sulawesi Tengah Kab. Tojo Una Una
38 Sulawesi Tengah Kab. Morowali
39 Sumatera Selatan Kab. Muara Enim
40 Sumatera Selatan Kab. OKU
41 Sumatera Selatan Kab. OKU Timur
42 Sumatera Selatan Kab. OKI
43 Sumatera Utara Kab. Karo
44 Sumatera Utara Kab. Tapanuli utara
45 Sumatera Utara Kab. Tebing Tinggi
46 Sumatera Utara Kab. Nias
47 Sumatera Utara Kab. Deli serdang
48 Sumatera Utara Kab. Labuhanbatu
49 Sulawesi Selatan Kab. Gowa
50 Jawa Tengah Kab. Kendal
51 Jawa Timur Kota Blitar
52 Sumatera Utara Kab. Langkat
53 Kep. Babel Kab. Belitung Timur
54 Sulawesi Selatan Kab. Luwu Utara
55 DKI Kota Jakpus Dikdas
56 Sulawesi Selatan Bulukumba
57 Maluku Kab. Seram Bagian Barat
58 Riau Kab. Kampar
59 Maluku Kab. Maluku Tenggara
60 Riau Kab. Bengkalis
61 Sumatera Utara Kab. Tapanuli Utara
62 Jawa Barat Kab. Cianjur
63 Papua Kota Jayapura
64 Jawa Tengah Kab. Klaten
65 Sulawesi Tenggara Kab. Bombana
66 Kalimantan Tengah Kab. Katingan
67 Jawa Barat Kota Cimahi
(sumber bapak Dudu Durajat

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Desktop publishing with Ubuntu linux

I am talking about two of the popular applications to use for desktop publishing.

1) scribus

"Scribus is powerful software that helps you create great looking documents of all kinds."

2) inkspace

"Inkscape is an open-source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, or Xara X. What sets Inkscape apart is its use of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an open XML-based W3C standard, as the native format."

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

light application for your Ubuntu linux

  • xfce - Alternative to Gnome or Kde
  • enlightment - Alternative to Gnome or Kde
  • openbox - An window manager
  • pypanel - An extremely light weight panel
  • gmrun - will give you a small run dialog upon running
  • obmenu - graphical openbox menu editting app
  • obconf - graphical openbox theme changer, among other options
  • nitrogen - lightweight application to change wallpapers
  • gtk-chtheme - will allow you to change gtk themes
  • sakura - a light weight tabbed terminal.
  • scrot - a command line screenshot tool
  • kazehakase - a lightweight browser based on the gecko engine
  • sylpheed - a light weight email application
  • rtorrent - a command line torrent app
  • irssi - command line irc
  • finch - the command line version of finch
  • decibel-audio-player - a light weight gtk based audio app
  • xfburn - a burning application from the xfce suite
  • mirage - an extremely light weight image viewer
  • abiword and gnumeric - lighter office apps when compared to open office.
  • leafpad - extremely lightweight notepad app
  • epdfview - lightweight pdf viewer
  • xarchiver - lightweight archiving and compression tool to replace file-roller with.
  • pcmanfm - tabbed, lightweight file manager.
  • ivman - a behind the scenes auto-mounter.

Boot Ubuntu Linux faster by reducing TTY (virtual consoles)

Most of us never use all the virtual consoles(TTY) that is provided with most Linux distribution. Why leave it there and let it eat memory. You can decrease startup time by removing unwanted virtual console or TTY.

Removing some virtual consoles or reducing TTY is very easy.

Just follow the procedure below:

  • sudo -s
  • vi /etc/default/console-setup
  • change ACTIVE_CONSOLES=”/dev/tty[1-6]” to your choice. Lets say if you want only two TTY or virtual console then change to ACTIVE_CONSOLES=”/dev/tty[1-2]”
  • cd /etc/event.d
  • Comment on all the lines in ttyx file that you don't need. In this example tty3-tty6

Reboot to see the change.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Berikut ini akan dibahas mengenai bagaimana cara merakit komputer, terutama bagi mereka yang baru belajar .. dari beberapa referensi yang saya pelajari .. maka berikut ini akan dijelaskan langkah demi langkah cara merakit komputer, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat .. Red. dedenKomponen perakit komputer tersedia di pasaran dengan beragam pilihan kualitas dan harga. Dengan merakit sendiri komputer, kita

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Change close, minimize, maximize and menu icon order

If you want to change the order of minimize, maximize, close and menu icons in the title bar, follow the steps below

Press Alt+F2 to bring the run application dialog box. Type gconf-editor
Configuration editor will open. Go to /apps/metacity/general/button_layout
If you look close at the button_layout key, you will see four items, minimize, maximize, close and menu separated by coma and colon.

All the items on left side of colon appears on left side of the title bar and all the items on right side of the colon appears on the right side of the title bar.

So if you double click it and change it to minimize,maximize,close:menu
the icons in your title bar will resemble Mac OS.