Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lumpur Lapindo Menyembur Hingga Tahun 2037

London - Semburan lumpur yang lebih dikenal dengan lumpur Lapindo di Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, yang membuat lebih dari 13 ribu keluarga kehilangan rumah diperkirakan terus menyembur hingga seperempat abad mendatang. Semburan tersebut akan terus memuntahkan gas yang mudah terbakar, seiring dengan semakin dalamnya danau lumpur yang terbentuk.Demikian dilaporkan dalam penelitian para ilmuwan dari Durham

Friday, February 25, 2011

10 Hewan Terakus di Dunia

1. Hiu Macan (Tiger Shark) Hewan buas satu ini akan memakan apapun yang ada di depannya, mulai dari sepatu, piringan hingga pecahan perlengkapan perang pernah ditemukan di perutnya. Kadang kala juga dia menggigit sesuatu yang mustahil dia bisa kunyah. Kerakusan hiu macan ini bahkan telah dimulai sebelum mereka terlahir ke dunia bawah laut, di dalam perut ibunya, mereka saling lahap satu sama lain

Adidas Finale, Bola Untuk Final Liga Champion di Wembley

Adidas Finale, Bola Untuk Final Liga Champion di Wembley, Memasuki fase knock out Liga Champions Eropa, Adidas akhirnya memperkenalkan bola yang akan digunakan dalam final yang akan berlangsung di Wembley 28 Mei nanti.Ini untuk kesekian kalinya bola Adidas kembali dipercaya untuk diperebutkan dalam laga final Liga Champions. Sebelumnya sempat terjadi keraguan tentang penunjukan Adidas ini. Sebab,

Unik, Monyet Capuchin Melumuri Dirinya Dengan Air Seni Untuk Gaet Pasangan

Meski terdengar jorok, monyet Capuchin melumuri dirinya dengan air seni (kencing) untuk menarik perhatian lawan jenis. Monyet betina ternyata mengetahui keberadaan pejantan dengan bau urin.Monyet Capuchin yang ditemukan di Amerika Tengah dan Amerika Selatan secara rutin melumuri air seni di tangan dan seluruh tubuh.Kebiasaan aneh itu sebelumnya menjadi misteri ilmuwan bertahun-tahun. Banyak orang

Irfan Bachdim Ingin Sekali Membela Timnas lagi !!

Mantan pemain timnas U-23, Irfan Bachdim, mengucapkan terima kasih atas dukungan semua penggemarnya yang ingin ia kembali masuk membela tim Merah Putih. Hal ini disampaikannya melalui tweet di akun resminya di Twitter."I wanna thank everybody for the great support nd that you all want me in timnas! Its still my dream and Ill fight for it! #nevergiveup ," demikian tulisnya di akun Twitter.Pemain

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Remaja Putri Paling Tinggi di Dunia, Usia 14 Tahun Tinggi 202 cm

Gadis Manis ini masih berusia 14 tahun namun tingginya sudah mencapai 202 cm, ia menjadi remaja tinggi di dunia, namanya Elisany Silva, yang selalu kesulitan sat memasuki bus sekolahnya ….Elisany Silva Diduga menderita penyakit sindrom langka, tapi penyebab mengapa tubuhnya menjadi sangat tinggi belum diketahui secara pasti …dikarenakan dia berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu sehingga keluarganya

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

kumpulan sms cinta yg meluluhkan hati

kumpulan sms cinta yg meluluhkan hatiSeperti berobat, yang terpenting bukan obatnya, tapi keinginanmu untuk sembuh. Begitu pula menaklukkan hati, yang terpenting bukan ungkapannya, tapi kesungguhanmu untuk mencintainya.Semoga lekas sembuh, eh, jatuh!(1) Tadi malam aku kirim bidadari untuk menjaga tidurmu. Eh, dia buru-buru balik. Katanya, ‘Ah, masa bidadari disuruh jaga bidadari?’(2) Kalau kamu

Sunday, February 20, 2011

8 Miliuner Muda Berbagi Tips Kesuksesan

Setiap tahunnya, beberapa orang berhasil menjadi miliuner baru. Kebanyakan dari mereka adalah warga negara Amerika.Yang lebih mencengangkan lagi, sebagian dari mereka sudah menjadi miliuner bahkan saat masih menjadi anak sekolahan.Visi, kecerdasan, dan keteguhan adalah 3 dari beberapa hal yang membuat mereka berhasil. Apa kata mereka mengenai keberhasilan yang mereka raih? Mungkin bisa Anda

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Mengapa Bangsa Indonesia kalah kreatif dari negara-negara maju

Sebenarnya ini adalah ringkasan dari buku Prof. Ng Aik Kwang dari University of Queensland yang berjudul “Why Asians Are Less Creative Than Westerners”(Mengapa bangsa Asia kalah kreatif dari negara-negara barat), tapi berhubung saya tinggal di Indonesia dan lebih mengenal Indonesia, maka saya mengganti judulnya, karena saya merasa bahwa bangsa Indonesia memiliki ciri-ciri yang paling mirip

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Download Video | Lirik Lagu | Cenat-Cenut SM#SH Versi OVJ

Download Video | Lirik Lagu | Cenat-Cenut SM#SH Versi OVJ, Lirik lagu terbaru dengan judul cenat cenut dari OVJ yang menggabungkan diri menjadi sm#sh ( dengan tanda pagar ) membawakan lagu yang merupakan plesetan dari lagu milik Smash yang kini banyak dicari oleh sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia. Lirik lagu cenat cenut OVJ tersebut memang sangat jenaka seperti aksi mereka saat mengocok perut

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

30 Rahasia Wanita yang Harus Pria Ketahui

Memang tidak ada yang mengetahui apa isi hati setiap wanita. Apalagi isi hati kaum perempuan terkadang sulit untuk diterka. Terkadang ingin A tapi besoknya bisa berubah jadi B. Bagaimana dengan rahasia-rahasia wanita yang ada dalam hati, berikut rahasianya :1. Bila seorang wanita mengatakan dia sedang bersedih,tetapi dia tidak meneteskan airmata,itu berarti dia sedang menangis di dalam hatinya.2.

5 Balapan Binatang Paling Unik

Balap Unta. Diselenggarakan dinegara-negara padang pasir. Arab, Oman, Mesir dan beberapa negara lain. Balap BabiBalap HamsterBalap Kura-KuraBalap Siput

4 Cara Mahluk Halus Menunjukkan Keberadaannya

4 Cara Mahluk Halus Menunjukkan Keberadaannya, Keberadaan makhluk-makhluk halus di sekitar kita sangat boleh jadi merupakan hal yang tidak bisa kita abaikan. Berbagai fenomena yang terjadi di lingkungan kita dapat saja menjadi tanda bahwa keberadaan makhluk-makhluk halus itu memang ada. Persoalannya adalah, bagaimana persisnya makhluk-makhluk halus itu menunjukkan kepada kita ihwal keberadaan

Monday, February 14, 2011

"Ponsel PlayStation" Akan Dirilis Maret

"Ponsel PlayStation" Akan Dirilis Maret, Meski sudah dipamerkan berkali-kali di berbagai acara, Sony Ericsson akhirnya baru secara resmi meluncurkan "ponsel PlayStation" pertamanya, Minggu (13/2/2011) jelang pameran akbar Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2011. Smartphone yang diberi nama Xperia Play tersebut akan dirilis pertama kali di AS dengan menggandeng Verizon Wireless mulai Maret 2011.Sering

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Asal Usul Valentine Dan Mengapa Islam Tidak Boleh Merayakan Hari Valentine

Asal Usul Sungguh merupakan hal yang ironis(menyedihkan/tidak sepatutnya terjadi) apabila telinga kita mendengar bahkan kita sendiri 'terjun' dalam perayaan Valentine tersebut tanpa mengetahui sejarah Valentine itu sendiri. Valentine sebenarnya adalah seorang martyr (dalam Islam disebut 'Syuhada') yang kerana kesalahan dan bersifat 'dermawan' maka dia diberi gelaran Saint atau Santo.Pada tanggal

Kenapa Tidak Boleh Minum Obat Dengan Susu?

Kenapa Tidak Boleh Minum Obat Dengan Susu?' Jangan minum obat dengan susu' kata-kata itu seringkali didengar atau diucapkan oleh masyarakat ketika ingin mengonsumsi obat oral. Kenapa susu tidak boleh dicampur dengan obat? Obat atau antibiotik yang dikonsumsi secara oral bisa menjadi efektif bagi seseorang jika dikonsumsi dan diserap dengan baik oleh tubuh. Obat oral harus diserap dari saluran

Saturday, February 12, 2011

" Blue Planet Chatterley Valley ", Ini Tempat Penghijauan Terbaik Di Dunia

Proyek regenerasi ini penting duduk di 23ha situs bekas tambang batu bara di North Staffordshire, dekat dengan Stoke-on-Trent di Inggris. Ini dialokasikan untuk pembangunan dengan Newcastle Borough Council dan Advantage West Midlands, dengan regenerasi ekonomi yang berkelanjutan memainkan peran kunci dalam proyek ini.Skema ini bertujuan tidak hanya untuk berkonsentrasi pada teknologi yang

Tempat-Tempat Yang Serasa Di dunia Lain

Di beberapa bagian di atas dunia ini kedapatan tempat-tempat yang unik dan aneh yang jarang ditemui di mana-mana bahagian di atas dunia - hanya di situ. Ia menjadikan kita persis berada di planet lain.Ia adalah tanda-tanda kebesaran Ilahi yang tidak dapat ditandingi oleh makhluknya. Ia mengajak kita untuk merenung nikmat Allah yang banyak dan entah bila kita akan dapat menyaksikannya dengan mata

Friday, February 11, 2011

Waspadai Bakteri Susu Formula

Waspadai Bakteri Susu Formula, PARA peneliti dari Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) menemukan 22,73 persen susu formula (dari 22 sampel) dan 40 persen makanan bayi (dari 15 sampel) yang dipasarkan antara bulan April hingga Juni 2006 telah terkontaminasi "Enterobacter sakazakii" atau E. Sakazakii.Berdasarkan pengujian pada bayi mencit (tikus percobaan), kontaminasi oleh E. Sakazakii yang menghasilkan

Ucapan Hari Valentine | Kumpulan sms valentine, Puisi Valentine, kata-kata Valentine

Kumpulan sms valentine, Puisi Valentine, kata-kata Valentine, wah, dikit lagi hari valentine yah lovers??nih gue punya kata-kata,puisi,sms valentine buat si dia, silahkan di baca, diketik,di tulis, dan di kirim langsung ke si dia yah.. :)===================================Yang ini puisi nya dulu :===================================*Para pecintaKepala-Mu pening karena aku.Pukullah aku kalau

Meera House, Rumah Dengan Atap Hijau dan Kolam Renang Tembus Pandang

 Design rumah unik ini dibuat dan diarsiteki oleh Guz Architects, mereka menyebutnya Meera House (lokasi di Sentosa Island, Singapore) dengan kolam renang tembus pandang dan mengadopsi sistem "Atap hijau" atau yang dikenal dengan Green-Roof.Coba lihat bagaimana sang arsitek meletakkan taman di setiap atap lantai yang ada sehingga tidak hanya membuat sistem "Atap hijau" menjadikan rumah ini sejuk

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Senjata-Senjata Teknologi Tinggi Masa Depan yang Sedang Terus Dikembangkan

Perlombaan setiap negara besar untuk mengembangkan senjata canggih dengan daya hancur yang mengerikan masih terus berlangsung hingga saat ini.Semua mengembangkan ilmu dan teknologi yang menghasilkan daya penghancuran yang semakin luar biasa menakutkan. Berikut 10 senjata penghancur paling canggih di dunia yang sangat luar biasa itu.1. Aurora ExcaliburSenjata ini merupakan pesawat tak berawak yang

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Though tattoos were things that held cultural as well as religious significance for certain communities around the world, today they have gained popularity as a fashion trend. With plethora of tattoo designs and ideas, people can get a tattoo that symbolizes a person, sentiment, thought, value, etc. that they hold close to their heart. However, as tattoo  is a type of body modification where the tattoo artist inserts the ink into the skin through a needle, the process of tattooing is not very different from a surgery. Hence, it can be said that the tattoo healing  process is similar to the healing process that one has to go through after a surgery. During the healing process, you will observe certain changes in the skin where the tattoo is made and it is important for you to know what exactly happens during this time. This is because, if something goes wrong during the healing stages, one can find seek help immediately and avert any kind of problem. So, if you are the owner of a new tattoo or want to get one, here are the tattoo healing stages that you have to know about.
Healing Process of Tattoos
The tattoo takes at the most 3-4 weeks to heal completely. However, this need not be the same for every tattoo. This is because every part of the skin has different ways of healing and the speed in which your tattoo heals will depend on exactly where you have made it. For instance, it has been seen that tattoos made on the hands and feet, take more time to heal as compared to tattoos made on other parts of the body. Apart from this, the healing capacity of each person is different and this can also affect the tattoo healing process. Nevertheless, there are certain common stages that most people experience during the tattoo healing process. Let us take a look at them in detail.
Tattoo Healing Process – Stage #01
The first stage of the tattoo healing process begins when you come out of the studio with your new tattoo. After the tattoo is made, the artist will wash the area gently and apply a bandage to it. This bandage should be allowed to stay on the tattoo for at least 24 hours. However, you may need to change it occasionally as newly made tattoos tend to bleed and it the bandage soaks up a lot of blood, it may become difficult to take it off from the skin. Moreover, the new tattoo needs fresh air to heal well and hence, do not keep the bandage more than the time suggested by the tattoo artist. The experience that one will have after getting a tattoo is similar to that of a sunburn. It is normal to observe some swelling during the first week of the healing process. This will be accompanied with pain and a stinging sensation in the area where the tattoo is made. If you find the pain unbearable, you can take some over the counter pain killers to find relief.
Tattoo Healing Process – Stage #02
The first stage of healing process usually lasts for a week or so. When the pain begins to subside, one is likely to experience an itchy sensation. This can be quite frustrating, however, one has to keep in mind that one should never scratch the tattoo as this can cause scabs to occur in that area. Other than this, during the second stage of healing process, the tattoo area will become dry as well as tender. If you have had scabs during the first stage, by the time you reach this stage, all your scabs must have gone off. It is also common to experience peeling during this stage. However, one should avoid peeling the tattoo and let it take its own time to come off. This is because if you try to do something like this, you may damage the look of the tattoo completely. To alleviate the feeling of itchiness, you should apply the aftercare lotion recommended by your tattoo artist regularly.
Tattoo Healing Process – Stage #03
During the last stage of the tattoo healing process, usually all the scabs must have fallen off. However, the skin where the tattoo is made will not be still back to normal. Rather, your skin will still be tender as well as dry. A thin layer of dead skin still remains on the tattoo during this stage. However, it will come off gradually, by the end of this stage. You may observe that the initial brightness of the tattoo will wear down when you reach this stage. However, there is nothing to worry about it as it is actually the natural look of the tattoo.
I hope you have got a clear idea about the tattoo healing process. This process will be more or less similar for every individual. A difference in the healing process will be seen only when the tattoo aftercare is not done correctly. If you do not follow the tattoo healing tips given by the tattoo artist, your tattoo may not heal in the natural way due to the development of infection or may be scabbing. So, if you want to flaunt a healthy looking tattoo to your friends, make sure that you follow the tattoo care instructions carefully during the four weeks of healing process.


Though tattoos were things that held cultural as well as religious significance for certain communities around the world, today they have gained popularity as a fashion trend. With plethora of tattoo designs and ideas, people can get a tattoo that symbolizes a person, sentiment, thought, value, etc. that they hold close to their heart. However, as tattoo  is a type of body modification where the tattoo artist inserts the ink into the skin through a needle, the process of tattooing is not very different from a surgery. Hence, it can be said that the tattoo healing  process is similar to the healing process that one has to go through after a surgery. During the healing process, you will observe certain changes in the skin where the tattoo is made and it is important for you to know what exactly happens during this time. This is because, if something goes wrong during the healing stages, one can find seek help immediately and avert any kind of problem. So, if you are the owner of a new tattoo or want to get one, here are the tattoo healing stages that you have to know about.
Healing Process of Tattoos
The tattoo takes at the most 3-4 weeks to heal completely. However, this need not be the same for every tattoo. This is because every part of the skin has different ways of healing and the speed in which your tattoo heals will depend on exactly where you have made it. For instance, it has been seen that tattoos made on the hands and feet, take more time to heal as compared to tattoos made on other parts of the body. Apart from this, the healing capacity of each person is different and this can also affect the tattoo healing process. Nevertheless, there are certain common stages that most people experience during the tattoo healing process. Let us take a look at them in detail.
Tattoo Healing Process – Stage #01
The first stage of the tattoo healing process begins when you come out of the studio with your new tattoo. After the tattoo is made, the artist will wash the area gently and apply a bandage to it. This bandage should be allowed to stay on the tattoo for at least 24 hours. However, you may need to change it occasionally as newly made tattoos tend to bleed and it the bandage soaks up a lot of blood, it may become difficult to take it off from the skin. Moreover, the new tattoo needs fresh air to heal well and hence, do not keep the bandage more than the time suggested by the tattoo artist. The experience that one will have after getting a tattoo is similar to that of a sunburn. It is normal to observe some swelling during the first week of the healing process. This will be accompanied with pain and a stinging sensation in the area where the tattoo is made. If you find the pain unbearable, you can take some over the counter pain killers to find relief.
Tattoo Healing Process – Stage #02
The first stage of healing process usually lasts for a week or so. When the pain begins to subside, one is likely to experience an itchy sensation. This can be quite frustrating, however, one has to keep in mind that one should never scratch the tattoo as this can cause scabs to occur in that area. Other than this, during the second stage of healing process, the tattoo area will become dry as well as tender. If you have had scabs during the first stage, by the time you reach this stage, all your scabs must have gone off. It is also common to experience peeling during this stage. However, one should avoid peeling the tattoo and let it take its own time to come off. This is because if you try to do something like this, you may damage the look of the tattoo completely. To alleviate the feeling of itchiness, you should apply the aftercare lotion recommended by your tattoo artist regularly.
Tattoo Healing Process – Stage #03
During the last stage of the tattoo healing process, usually all the scabs must have fallen off. However, the skin where the tattoo is made will not be still back to normal. Rather, your skin will still be tender as well as dry. A thin layer of dead skin still remains on the tattoo during this stage. However, it will come off gradually, by the end of this stage. You may observe that the initial brightness of the tattoo will wear down when you reach this stage. However, there is nothing to worry about it as it is actually the natural look of the tattoo.
I hope you have got a clear idea about the tattoo healing process. This process will be more or less similar for every individual. A difference in the healing process will be seen only when the tattoo aftercare is not done correctly. If you do not follow the tattoo healing tips given by the tattoo artist, your tattoo may not heal in the natural way due to the development of infection or may be scabbing. So, if you want to flaunt a healthy looking tattoo to your friends, make sure that you follow the tattoo care instructions carefully during the four weeks of healing process.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Waspadai Kram Jantung Saat Berolahraga Keras

Waspadai Kram Jantung Saat Berolahraga Keras, Olahraga seperti sepakbola, futsal, badminton, tenis, lari atletik termasuk contoh olahraga keras karena mempunyai gerakan-gerakan eksplosif yang bisa cepat menaikkan denyut nadi.  Agar tidak menimbulkan bahaya pada tubuh sesuaikan olahraga tersebut dengan dosis dan umur Anda.Dokter olahraga yang sudah malang melintang menangani PSSI dan KONI

Thursday, February 3, 2011

[LAGI] CROP-CIRCLE muncul di Jakarta!!

[LAGI] CROP-CIRCLE muncul di Jakarta!!,  Setelah beberapa Fenomena kemunculan CropCircle di indonesia belakangan ini , hal yang tak di sangka dan penuh misteri ini pun terjadi di jakarta !! Jika anda tidak percaya langsung saja gan di simak .. !!Penampakan Crop Circle  Menanggapi Hal ini Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) menggandeng NASA untuk menguak fenomena ini  Lapan &

Inilah 10 Peradaban Dunia yang Jarang Kita Ketahui dan Lenyap Dengan Misterius

Inilah 10 Peradaban Dunia yang Jarang Kita Ketahui dan Lenyap Dengan Misterius,Sepanjang sejarah kita, peradaban-peradaban kuno banyak yang lenyap oleh kematian, dihapuskan oleh bencana alam atau invasi. Tetapi ada beberapa peradaban masyarakat yang hilang yang telah membuat para peneliti benar-benar bingung. 10. Puebloans OlmecSalah satu masyarakat Mesoamerika pertama. Olmec mendiami dataran

Teori Baru, Gas Metana Penyebab Banyaknya Kapal Hilang di Bermuda

Teori Baru, Gas Metana Penyebab Banyaknya Kapal Hilang di Bermuda, Misteri hilangnya beberapa kapal laut dan pesawat terbang di wilayah yang disebut "Segitiga Bermuda" kini memunculkna teori baru.Singkirkan jauh-jauh dugaan kita tentang pesawat luar angkasa alien, anomali waktu, piramida raksasa bangsa Atlantis, atau fenomena meteorologis.Segitiga Bermuda adalah sebuah fenomena gas akut biasa,

UFO Di Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta ?

Foto UFO Di Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta ? Benarkah ? Belum habis pembahasan masalah crop circle Sleman Yogyakarta diinternet / dunia nyata, kini muncul lagi informasi pemberitaan mengenai munculnya foto penampakan UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) di Gunung Kidul, DI Yogyakarta. Foto diambil dari atas bukit Patuk yang berjarak sekitar 7 kilometer dari lokasi crop circle pertama atau 4 km dari temuan

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

10 Air Terjun Terindah Di Dunia

10 Air Terjun Terindah Di Dunia,Kita tahu Bahwa Air terjun adalah formasi geologi dari arus air yang mengalir melalui suatu formasi bebatuan yang mengalami erosi dan jatuh ke bawah dari ketinggian. Air terjun dapat berupa buatan yang biasa digunakan di taman. Beberapa air terjun terbentuk di lingkungan pegunungan dimana erosi kerap terjadi.Nah sekarang kita intip yuk 10 Air Tejun Terindah di