Sunday, September 13, 2009

Internet Monitoring With SARG and Squid On Windows

SARG aka Squid Analysis Report Generator is a nice little tool that analyses Squid's access.log files and creates a management friendly report along with graph.

This guide is for someone who have already configured SARG on Linux box.
  1. Install Squid on Windows. You can follow this post squid-on-windows
  2. SARG port for windows is available in the SARG website itself SARG. Or download it by clicking here.
  3. Unzip it in C:\sarg
  4. Edit sarg.conf file inside c:\sarg\etc
    1. Edit access_log
    2. graph option
    3. output_dir where your web server can be pointed.
    4. Others that you think is important. This is very simple file with all needed description.
  5. Make your scheduled task to run SARG and rotate Squid.

Squid On Windows

Here is a short and simple guide for installing Squid on Windows for those who knows how it works in Linux.

  1. Windows port for Squid is available from Acme Consulting. Grab it from
  2. Unzip it and put it in C drive making the folder structure c:\squid
  3. You'll find squid.conf file in C:\squid\etc\squid.conf
  4. Configure it as per your requirements. (mainly the following)
    1. Your hostname
    2. Dns server
    3. Cache directory
    4. ACL
    5. logrotate
      (make sure that the options you choose are available with the squid you chose by running squid -v)
  5. Create the cache directory by:
    1. Open Command Prompt
    2. Go to C:\squid\sbin
    3. Run squid.exe -D -z
  6. Install the squid service by running squid.exe -i
  7. You can manage squid service from services.msc or using the squid.exe CLI. Unlike Linux you may need to pass "-n Squid" as parameters for few commands.
  8. Set scheduled task to rotate your log.
  9. You may need to use third party software to transparently use this Squid. Until then configure the browsers to use this Squid.

Google Chrome Update Keeps Appearing Even After Removing From Application Sources

I use Google Chrome -unstable as my primary browser and am very happy with it. But one problem I keep facing is it asks me to update the daily build each day. Removing it from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list doesn't help.
So if you also don't want to install the daily build each and every day follow the following steps:

  1. Remove the google-chrome apt list from /etc/apt/sources.list
  2. Remove the google-chrome.list file from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list
  3. Remove the file /etc/default/google-chrome
This should prevent Google Chrome daily updates.

P.S. If by change you landed here and don't have Google chrome and want to install it get the daily build from here or the deb package from here(32 bit) or here(64 bit).

Friday, September 11, 2009

Award Blog Media Info

Award Ke Empat : Award Friendly VisitorsBlog Media Info dapat award lagi yang ke-4. Award Friendly Visitors ini saya dapat dari sahabat blog epul japanese Blog, saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada epul japanese Blog atas Award yang diberikannya kepada Blog Media Info.Dan Blog Media Info akan membagikan lagi Award Friendly Visitors ini kepada teman blogger lain, Berikut daftar teman blogger

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Install Firefox 3.5 on OLPC XO

  1. Download Firefox 3.5 from for Linux.
  2. Open your xo
  3. Put the extracted Firefox in /home/olpc/Activities
  4. Rename it to Firefox. activity
  5. Go inside /home/olpc/Activities/Firefox.activity
  6. Make a folder "activity"
  7. Go inside /home/olpc/Activities/Firefox.activity/activity
  8. Make a file with following content

    name = Firefox
    service_name = org.laptop.firefox35
    icon = firefox
    activity_version = 35
    show_launcher = yes
    exec = ./firefox
  9. Put one svg icon for Firefox in /home/olpc/Activities/Firefox.activity/activity with file name firefox.svg
  10. Change the permission of /home/olpc/Activities/Firefox.activity to 755 by running
    chmod -R 755 /home/olpc/Activities/Firefox.activity
  11. Change the owner of the /home/olpc/Activities/Firefox.activity to olpc:olpc by running
    chown -R olpc:olpc /home/olpc/Activities/Firefox.activity
  12. Restart the X server by pressing Alt+Ctrl+Erase
  13. Your Firefox 3.5 is ready though you won't find it in favorite view.
If the toolbars and page content appears too big then follow the steps below:
  1. Open about:config
  2. Edit layout.css.dpi to 96